Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Challenges between a Muslim and non-Muslim after 9/11

There is tremendous tumult of voices after the news was aired. The media was centered on the busiest city of the world – New York. Even today many have not failed to raise a pen, even poets, artists, students and professionals, the unlearned and learned all are in awe. The sad destiny of those who perished at the Ground Zero can not be erased in memory and much more to those who were left behind. These are the Muslims and non-Muslims who still survived but are now living in the ashes of indifference, of terror and pain. Many are written about the issue but the three articles of Aidi, Marty and Asani is worthy to be discerned.The first article challenges plurality and the other speaks about fundamentalism and the last one equates Pan-Africanism to Islam. All of which are beliefs not only in terms of religion but a very specific knowledge by which man go through life which transcends his earthly existence. More than seven years ago, The Ground Zero boasted for its twin towers, e ach earthly dominion rested on their laurels, there could be havoc around on some parts of the world but a non-Muslim and a Muslim could occupy the same space without qualms or pretence.After the 9/11 when thousands of American citizens were slain, killings had also begun to the so called perpetuators akin. Vehemently, even if sin is personal the debt would be somehow carried on to the next generations. Man by destiny always inherits the sin of his first parents, as any good works are wagged which serves as inspirations for the younger ones? The challenges that Muslim and non-Muslim faces today is on how each one of them foster universality among their many diverse beliefs and how to remove the fears that those beliefs brought about which was clouded by the strand of hatred and ignorance.Today, co-existence between a Muslim and non-Muslim presupposed a barrier an unequal yoke so may say. The catastrophe left a mark of indifference that is antagonistic to both and it is no longer the hues we talked about but the creed of one nation between another. Succinctly, Muslims are even called the new niggers of today’s world of discrimination (Aidi, 2002). Moreover, it is not easy to justify pain because in the last analysis it is an evil that must be eradicated by all costs.It is only divine wisdom that can only justify pain and somehow alien to an understanding of a regular man. To the Muslims, a life well lived will serve as an example that his belief is not erroneous and he in his own belief wishes to co-exist with others. His belief in the Quran in the days that will come will be a challenge of its authenticity that the â€Å"noblest among you is the most god-fearing of you. (Quran 49:13). † Essentially when we say god-fearing man is the respecter of truth.Muslims, young and old is challenge by the world to live by its faith, and if god-fearing why the erroneous doctrine of that lone killer pilot blown in a blaze those two Manhattan skyscrapers? When in Quran 111 God is a respecter of freedom. God created man differently so that they may know and understand each other (Asani, 2003). The Muslims who have submitted to the truth has a great relevance to show the world the real essence and truth of their beliefs. They are the ones who should stand up and defend their faith on those who uses religiosity for personal gains and politics.Non-Muslims on the other hand, must seek the truth in defiance of prejudices and other extremes, with his Muslim brothers he must defend peace and pluralism that the country had earnestly guarded throughout the centuries. The Americas should test where he’s ground stand, if it is solid and firm and if its faith still rest in God. Non-Muslims, Christians and non-Christians and even due to ignorance are disbeliever of God, in the virtue of wanting to exist he must also be respectable to the life of others behaving in a fashion that still welcoming even in the face of odds.Martin Marty elaborated in his work â€Å"the Future of World Fundamentalisms† that we must make eschatological verifications or reaffirm if a movement does not lead to a polity that runs on compromises or any revivalism or reactivation of a militant Islamic tradition (Marty, 1998). Reactive agents according to Marty are inconspicuous, adaptive and improvisatory but are directly assertive. It is good to know what is under those rubrics of belief, whether that so called useful knowledge does not disdain its members of uncongenial acts worthy of suspicion.It is always good to know the wolf inside the sheep skin because a terrorized world can not afford to make the same mistakes again. Muslims and non-Muslim have one in common and that is to decipher the truth not only in terms of their religiosity and beliefs but on how each and every one lives a life of normal existence. The greatest challenge for the Muslim and non-Muslims in the post 9/11 is to unite in bringing this world to peace so the lives lost in the catastrophes are not wasted. Both must survive the struggle to be whole again in the fight of terrorism.Each one in whatever state in life must still nurture the gift of patience and kindness despite of confusion that is going on in this world. Man’s religion may have existed since civilization began and the only real truth about it was that the difference between a supernatural and human beliefs. Human beliefs tend to materialism and are bounded by space and corners while supernatural beliefs, leads to freedom and love. In fact, love is the only thing that stands still when all else has fallen.And only a true religion bears this sign. Charity removes obstacles, it builds bridges and any learning that is void of this elementary truth is a deceit. This is a great challenge not only to Muslims or non-Muslims to non-believers or future converts but to the whole world at large. Love makes a great difference to what is it that differentiates a human from a beast form and a goodish from a noble being. For a Muslim and a non-Muslim, there is no reason to fear because in their hearts the truth is already been written.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Study of Internet Addiction

Introduction: A passion adds value to one's life, an addiction takes away value. When the line between these two is crossed, the addict is often the last to know, due to their denial. A family and social history will reveal that the subject is being evaluated by close friends as actually suffering a great loss from their activity. While time spent online can be hugely productive, compulsive Internet use can interfere with daily life, work, and relationships. When you feel more comfortable with your online friends than your real ones, or you can’t stop yourself from playing games, gambling, or compulsively surfing even when it has negative consequences in your life then you may be using the Internet too much.Learn about the signs and symptoms of Internet addiction and how to balance your life online and off. Rapid development of computer technology in information society and particularly the invention and advancement of internet led to major changes in human life. Today, thanks to internet, it is possible to shop from virtual stores, to meet new people and make new friends via social networks, to easily access information and sources required for any subject or to be informed about any event that takes place anywhere in the world In addition to many positive effects, it is possible to discuss negative effects of computers, particularly of internet on individuals and society.The concept of internet addiction refers to the excessive use of internet which in turn causes various problems in individual, social and professional aspects. Internet addiction recently began to be analyzed as a psychological problem in association with various psychological problems in the academic world. Particularly educators, psychological counselors, psychologists and psychiatrists tended to carry out various researches on internet addiction.BODY Internet Addiction is a problem more common in society as Internet usage is increasing. The prevalence of Internet use worldwide is in creasing. Along with the benefits the Internet brings, problems of excessive Internet use is becoming apparent. As a result, along with drug and alcoholic addictions  nowadays, there is one more – Internet addiction, last but not least.The opinions on the methods for the solution vary, because the problem was not studied enough. One of the solutions is to attend support groups and get the professional help. Some individuals with strong will power might be able to get rid of the addiction by themselves, understanding that this is a problem, which has to be solved in order to have a normal life. Internet Addiction, otherwise known as computer addiction, online addiction, or internet addiction disorder (IAD), covers a variety of impulse-control problems, including:Addiction – compulsive use of Internet pornography, adult chat rooms, or adult fantasy role-play sites impacting negatively on real-life intimate relationships. Cyber Relationship Addiction – addiction to social networking, chat rooms, and messaging to the point where virtual, online friends become more important than real life relationships with family and friends.Net Compulsions – such as compulsive online gaming, gambling, stock trading, or compulsive use of online auction sites such as eBay, often resulting in financial and job-related problems. Information Overload – compulsive web surfing or database searching, leading to lower work productivity and less social interaction with family and friends. Computer Addiction – obsessive playing of off-line computer games, such as Solitaire or Minesweeper, or obsessive computer programming. The most common of these Internet addictions are cybersex, online gambling, and cyber-relationship addiction.METHOD For data gathering Study ModelThis is a descriptive study which used survey model. As it is known, survey models aim to indicate an existing situation. In this framework, we tried to determine internet addiction l evels of the individuals from all age groups.Study Group Population of the study consisted of the individuals living in Tinago Naga City province of Camarines Sur . Among random sampling methods, simple  random sampling method was used to determine the study group. Study group of the study consisted of a total of 596 individuals from different age groups living in Tinago Naga City center. Of the individuals in the study group, 284 (47.7%) were male, 312 (52.3%) were female.As for the distribution of the study group according to age groups; a total of 109 (18.3%) belonged to the age group of 19 and below; 98 (16.4%) belonged to the age group of 20-29 155 (26.0%) belonged to the age group of 30-39; 141 (23.7%) belonged to the age group of 40-49; and 93 (15.6) belonged to the age group of 50 and above. As for the distribution of the participants according to professional status, it was found that 191 (32.0%) were students; 221 (37.1%) worked in various professions; 39 (6.5%) were une mployed; 119 (20.0%) were housewives and 26 (4.4%) were retired.Data Analysis and InterpretationEach of the items in internet addiction scale was scaled as Never (1), Rarely (2) Sometimes (3), Generally (4) and Always (5). In parallel with the structure of the scale, for three sub-factors, averages of the response of the individuals to five-item type scale were calculated severally. High averages indicate high level of internet addiction while low averages indicate low addiction levels.The scores obtained from the responses of the individuals to five-item type scale did not show a standard character due to the differences in number of items in the sub-factors. For this reason, obtained raw scores were converted into standard scores (minimum 20maximum 100). The levels corresponding to the scores obtained from sub-scales can be summarized as follows: low internet addiction (20-51), mean internet addiction (52-67), high internet addiction (68-100). In this framework, internet addiction levels of the individuals were analyzed using arithmetic mean, standard deviationConclusion Surfing the internet can be an interest for people. But people need to use it properly. If not, it will become internet addiction. Internet addiction harmfulness is bigger than â€Å"TV addiction†. In deed internet addiction can be called â€Å"a mental illness†. Playing online games reasonably can make people  happy on free time. People also can increase the relationships between friends by rational use of network. Indisputably, network is a good way to find the information. Then, buying something online is very convenient. But doing anything need moderately. Otherwise it will be bad for people. There are some way to treat the online addiction. People can go outside to do some sport. Then people do not have energy to play computer.Also, people spend time to chat with friends at real life. It is good way to improve the friends relationship. Well-educated men with a thirst for knowledge. Current research indicates that Internet addicts can be of any race or gender. They will generally fall between the ages of 18 and 55, with an average of 15 years of education. In addition, it appears that many individuals become addicted for social rather than intellectual reasons. As technologies become increasingly accessible and diverse, age and education will no longer serve as useful guidelines for examining Internet addiction.Recommendation Internet Addiction is a problem more common in society as Internet usage is increasing. The prevalence of Internet use worldwide is increasing. Along with the benefits the Internet brings, problems of excessive Internet use is becoming apparent. As a result, along with drug and alcoholic addictions nowadays, there is one more – Internet addiction, last but not least. The opinions on the methods for the solution vary, because the problem was not studied enough.There are a number of steps you can take to get your Internet use under control. While you can initiate many of these yourself, it’s important you get some outside support as well. It can be all too easy to slip back into old patterns of usage, especially if you use the Internet heavily for work or other important activities. 1. Consider Taking a Technology HolidayTurn off the computer. Don’t use it on a daily basis. If you have to use it, use it only for necessary tasks. Force yourself to go off-line, and say ‘goodbye' temporarily (or possibly, permanently) to those people you are conducting a life with on the Internet. You can start this in a gradual way by creating a computer-free day, gradually extending this to include larger periods of time. Start by designating one day per week that you will not  turn on the computer or log onto the Internet.The reason for this is simple. You want to begin to train your nervous system to recognize that you can tolerate a day or an evening without something that you use on such a co nsistent basis. Until you prove to your body and mind that this can be done, you're going to continue in the repetitious cycle of your behavior. This acceptance and acknowledgement of the possibility of your having a problem allows your personal resources to be focused on the possibility of change.The important thing to remember is that change has to start somewhere. If you make no changes in your life, time will continue to pass. It will pass just as easily as you begin to make small changes in how you expend your time and energy. Craziness is simply the resistance to change or, rather, the insistence that something be different, in spite of making no efforts to change.2. Find Other Interests Preferably something that has nothing to do with computers or the Internet. Try a new activity or hobby. It would be even better if it could include your spouse, friend, or significant other. Force yourself to expand what you think you can do and try something new – it doesn’t ma tter what. Don’t give in the voice inside you that says you can’t do it.3. Exercise There is probably no one single recommendation that I can make that can have as many positive implications for your life. Exercise offers a variety of potential benefits. It’s fun. It can improve your health; increase your longevity; improve your overall functioning on a daily basis; improve your energy; increase your mood; and improve your self-esteem. There is considerable research on the efficacy of exercise in improving psychological well being along with improvement in treating addiction problems.There appears to be evidence in the addiction literature that many addictive behaviors produce changes in the neurotransmitter Dopamine (among others). This is what may produce the ‘kick’ or ‘high’ to behaviors such as gambling, compulsive eating, alcohol, or drugs. Dopamine is a responsible for changes in brain chemistry that â€Å"feels† good. It i s this â€Å"good feeling† that contributes to the repetition of the behavior over and over. althrough this  is not fully understood. Before starting up any exercise program it is important that you consult your physician or healthcare practitioner.4. Watch Less Television I am convinced that the use and abuse of television exacerbates many problems in our society. TV is a passive activity that takes your time and energy and gives you little in return. Although there are many positives about television, it has the negative probability to waste your time just as the Internet can. Further, it can take the time you could use to focus on your relationships or other activities in your life. It is also quite addictive. TV can also be a trigger to engage in other addictive patterns of behavior such as eating or sex. Try to reduce the number of hours you watch TV or better yet designate TV-free days.5. Talk to your friends and family about what is happening in your life Tell them t hat you’re worried about your Internet use. Shame, often associated with secrecy and isolation, further contributes the problem. Telling others offers the potential for support, decreases shame, stops social isolation, and promotes the healing process. All human problems exist in a social context and, therefore, so are the healing process. The hallmarks of any addictive behavior are often shame, secrecy, and isolation. Compulsive Internet use or addiction is potentially insidious because the Internet is a behavior that is typically practiced alone. The more you use it, the more isolated you become; the more isolated you become, the greater the likelihood that you will continue to engage in the self-defeating/addictive pattern due to guilt and shame.6. Develop New Relationships and Friendships Develop new relationships and friendships. Developing new friendships can expand the inner satisfaction you experience in your life. Although technology is stimulating, it does not provi de the personal/emotional connection that relationships do.The computer and the Internet may have the capacity to connect you to the world, and to make the world a smaller place; however, these activities are typically engaged in alone and can be socially isolating. The advances in technology create opportunity for new adventures,  but they cannot create the intimacy of human contact. It is my belief (and I like technology) that the greatest inner peace and satisfaction is derived from such relationships.7. Talk to Other About Your Overuse of the Internet Don’t keep it a secret. Secrecy breeds shame and shame adds to the isolation. If the isolation continues, depression can occur. The more depressed a person becomes the more likely he/she will resort to behaviors that will artificially elevate their mood. All addictive behaviors have the capacity to do this. Gambling, Internet drugs, alcohol, shopping, and sex can all have the effect of altering mood. The problem is that we tend to repeat those behaviors that make us feel good even if they have a cost or consequence. This creates the addictive paradox: doing something over and over that negatively impacts us.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Businesses Operating in Market Conditions Samples for Students.

Businesses operating in market conditions can have positive or negative results. The reason for failure can be the assertion of short-term goals to the detriment of long-term, emphasizing short-term performance and profit, regardless of market development, meaning thereby the non-existence of a marketing plan. A quality marketing plan is a basic prerequisite for efficient marketing, ensuring the integration of all marketing activities and assisting in the creation of favorable conditions for succeeding in the marketplace. The need for effective planning in services has long been clear. In 1975 Chisnall pointed to the growth of the services sector and emphasized that it is necessary to devote greater attention to measuring inputs and outputs, as well as an evaluation of the efficiency of resources. He underlined the significance of certain marketing methods for improving the firm, as well as marketing research, strategic planning, and marketing management. At the same time, he mention ed that in services and unwillingness to develop or constructive and market-oriented approach towards a marketing plan is common. The marketing plan is the component of the business plan. The yearly plan concerns marketing objectives and strategies for a product, product range, development of the bank for one year, while the long-term marketing plan concerns a period of two to five years. The creation of the marketing plan is understated as a strategic process, where this is based on information and activities. The result is the marketing plan, which is realized and monitored in connection with the results achieved Identifying your competitors: The first step in conducting a competitor analysis is to identify your competitors. Begin this process by considering the range of competition in your market-space because not all competition is the same, there are different types of competitors your organization will face. Finding your competitors: Who are your competitors? How do you find them? Not only are there advanced search tools available to assist you in finding competitors, but their motivation to have a high profile on the Internet makes it impossible for competitors to hide from your searching efforts. So, the most logical and best place to start looking for as each competitor is identified, visit their Web site and form some initial impressions about how much of a major competitor they are. Your focus here is on same or similar target markets, products, and value propositions; don't let a flashy Web site convince you that this is a major competitor when the value proposition is all wrong. Cr eating a competitor analysis grid (or use the one provided above): With a list of competitors in hand, the next step is to conduct a methodical analysis of their strengths and weaknesses. Step one — identify why a customer would want to buy your product/service. Step Two: segment your overall market. Places are increasingly at risk - as a result of the change in the global economic, political and technological environment. Places are increasingly at risk - as a result of the inevitable process of urban evolution and decay. Places are facing a growing number of competitors in their efforts to attract scarce resources. Places have to rely increasingly on their own local resources to face growing competition. A major factor in determining the profitability of any product is establishing a base price. There are three methods of setting a product’s base price: This approach is common to new businesses, especially if their founder is rather inexperienced in marketing analysis, and/or has a strong passion – even an obsession – about providing a certain product or service. He bases his belief almost entirely on his or her own perception, even though there is sometimes no verified evidence of a market for the product or service. In this approach, the founder of the product or service: When you do your promotion planning (as part of your strategic planning) - the basic questions to ask are: Who do we want to communicate with? Why do we want to communicate with them? What do we want to communicate with them about? What is the best way to communicate with them? How much will this strategy cost? What is our budget for this? How will we know if we have been successful? In order to assess where the bank is at present, detailed information concerning both the past state, as well as present state is necessary. Costs, revenues and profits achieved are analyzed over time for the longer-term period. It is best to compare the development of our own bank with the most influential competitor. It is also suitable to analyze the development of comparable products with those of the competition. An analysis of the results achieved is performed for the bank as a whole, or also according to individual market segments (for example by age group). A detailed analysis of the results achieved helps in setting realistic marketing objectives, which represents the second stage of planning. Further information is necessary for elaborating marketing implementation so that it is possible to adopt corrective measures in the control phase (Veresovà ¡, 2002). Peter Drucker identified the following fields for objectives setting: Marketing objectives usually have the form of expected results in specific market segments and also for the market as a whole. According to McDonald, they cover these fields volume of sales, market share, profit, customer objectives and marketing expenses (Selecting target market, 2017). Banks must consider how they will manage individual productivity for achieving their objectives. It is necessary to ensure balance in the growth of earnings, the cash flow, and the risk. With a growth or decline in the range of services and with a change in the market the overall nature of the business portfolio changes. Various portfolio models serve for solving this question, and which have the form of matrices and depict the external and internal business environment. For an estimate of the attractiveness for individual strategic units, we can use5 the growth share or matrix created by the Boston Consulting Group, which gives precedence to the flow of incomes over other criteria. Among the most known multi-factor models are also the portfolio matrices of the firm McKinsey and Shell, often known as the matrices of market attractiveness and business strengths. Another model is the General Electric model, which works with the factors market attractiveness and the competitive position of the bank. In this model, the attractiveness of the market influences the size and speed of market growth, competitive behavior, gross profit achieved and sensitivity to economic fluctuations (Lynn, 2011). The competitive position of the firm is expressed by the share of the bank in their overall market, customer loyalty, and the nature of the distribution system and the level of expenses. An evaluation of the portfolio helps managers to set objectives and strategy which are in accordance with the possibilities and abilities of the business. These approaches, however, have their limitations. One of their greatest weaknesses is the difficulty of defining other boundaries of the business activities and the general assumption that the market share always has a positive correlation with the return on investments - thereby ignoring the fact that also small business subjects operating in a gap in the market can achieve high a rate of return on investments. Portfolio models are of great benefit for planning for the marketing strategy, though only where all risks are known (Metaxas, 2005). The aim of marketing programs is to ensure that the practical realization of the marketing strategies adopted. This includes a delegation of rights and responsibilities of individual employees, as well as the distribution of available financial resources. Marketing programs, like marketing objectives and strategies, should fulfill certain requirements. Each program must clearly define the resources, as well as the time schedule. Before actually realizing a program it is necessary to set out a detailed marketing budget including expenses and the deployment of resources (The Marketing Plan, 2017). The budget is created similarly as in the case of an advertisement either through an annual increase/decrease or through the more appropriate method according to first chosen objectives. The role of the marketing program is to prioritize marketing activities, dividing these into important marketing activities, partial steps, and tactical tasks. Part of this is also the preparation of time pla ns stipulating the limits for fulfilling key tasks. It may also be evaluated at regular meetings, for example as part of the monthly cycle. A useful aid for ascertaining differences between the actual and the target state is discrepancy analysis. This is a measure of the success of a marketing plan in ensuring the desired business objectives. It is most often used in the case of revenues and profitability but also can serve as the evaluation of other variables, for example, the return on investments etc. The idea of assessing alternative mixes is to find the most appropriate marketing strategy prior to beginning implementation of the plan. In the assessment, various analytical approaches can be used or simple methods on the basis of trial and error. The next step is setting alternative or backup plans. Since we cannot elaborate an alternative plan for every case, we should evaluate the influence of various groups of assumptions and find areas of greatest risk (Ghauri and Cateora, 2011). As results from Kotler’s research in 75 firms operating in the services fields, many of the control systems are inadequate. Berkowitz cites as the most frequent reasons for the failure of the marketing plan as10: From the above, it results that the marketing plan is becoming an important aid and tool for asserting the bank in the marketplace. It contains information necessary for managing and making well-grounded decisions. Its advantage is its comprehensiveness, therefore it is essential that all employees get acquainted with it. Every employee must recognize that as long as the bank as a whole prospers and that employees have the same objectives and through joint efforts achieve good results, this, in the end, will mean certainty in life also for employees. Ghauri, P. and Cateora, P. (2011). International Marketing.  Edinburgh Business School. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Apr. 2017]. Lynn, M. (2011). Segmenting and Targeting Your Market: Strategies and Limitations.  School of Hotel Administration Collection. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Apr. 2017]. Metaxas, T. (2005). Market research and target market segmentation.  Department of planning and regional department, [online] 38. Available at: [Accessed 24 Apr. 2017]. OTIENO, F. (2017). The Roles of Monitoring and Evaluation in Projects. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Apr. 2017]. Schnaith, P. (2011). The Implementation of Marketing Programs for New Target Segments.  I S S E R T A T I O N of the University of St. Gallen, School of Management. [online] Available at:$FILE/dis3979.pdf [Accessed 24 Apr. 2017]. Selecting target market. (2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Apr. 2017]. Strategic evaluation and control. (2013).  Undergraduate Strategic Management. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Apr. 2017]. The Marketing Plan. (2017).  MARKETING PLAN OUTLINE. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Apr. 2017]. Veresovà ¡, E. (2002). MARKETING PLAN.  Economic Focus. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Apr. 2017]. Looking for an answer 'who will do my essay for cheap',

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Decisions Business Scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Decisions Business Scenario - Essay Example e saying goes â€Å"A problem is a chance for someone to do his/her best.† Hence effective decision making, is often required and the first step in the decision making process is to define the problem so that the available information may be collected, analysed, summarised and studied to find out suitable solutions to the problem on hand. This paper attempts to formulate problems relating to the expansion of the business of the company Nestle Waters in the country Dega, which appears to be a potential market but surrounded by a multiplicity of problems that need to be addressed if the company wants to successfully launch and maintain its business. The First part of the paper deals with the problem formulation using appropriate tools and techniques. Before we step in to the analysis of the problems in the business scenario of the company ‘Nestle Waters,’ a brief background of the company and the country, where the company is contemplating to expand, is produced below for a better understanding of the problem environment by the readers: Dega is a South Pacific Island comprising of multi religious ethnic people, some with European origin and sizeable American settlers having half of indigenous religion and remainder belonging to Christianity, Buddhism and Islam. Major languages include English, Spanish and French in addition to the local indigenous language. The natural resources include agricultural commodities like coffee, cocoa spices and banana, petroleum and natural gas. Main industrial orientation is towards fishing and tourism. The island is vulnerably exposed to all natural calamities like Tsunami; earthquake and so on and also is fighting HIV/AIDs and Terrorism. With 103 factories working in 36 countries Nestle Waters accounted for a turnover of 5.7 billion in 2005. The company employs 30,000 people and is currently enjoying a market share of eighteen percent. The company bottles seventy-five brands of mineral water and market them all over the world.

Accounting for non-profit company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Accounting for non-profit company - Essay Example Rotary International is a not-for-profit organization that was founded on February 23, 1905 by the Chicago attorney, Paul P. Harris. The Rotary Club of Chicago provided a platform where diverse professionals would exchange ideas, forming meaningful and lifelong relationships. The name, â€Å"Rotary† came from the fact that earlier members used to rotate in each others’ offices for meetings. With its growth, Rotary International aimed at bringing together professional and business leaders so as to render humanitarian services, promote utmost ethical standards in various vocations and foster global goodwill and peace, this being in line with its motto of â€Å"Service above self.† In its structure are Rotary clubs, Rotary International and Rotary Foundation. This paper focuses on the Rotary International, RI which is the umbrella body supporting Rotary clubs across the globe and coordinates global campaigns, programs and initiatives. The mission of RI is to â€Å" provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders† (Rotary International, 2014). It is therefore a model of a charitable organization seeking to promote social interests in various communities around the world. RI has its world headquarters based in Evanston, IL in the US. It has international offices in Zurich, New Delhi, Tokyo, Yongdungpo-gu, Parramatta, Sà £o Paulo and Buenos Aires serving Europe/Africa, South Asia, Japan, Korea, South Pacific and Philippines, Brazil and Southern South America regions respectively. They also have offices in Great Britain and Ireland. Through this network, Rotary International, RI (2014) documents a current membership of 1.2 million people. These regions contribute towards the total donation income of RI. The presidency is the topmost position in RI. According to RI (2014), the president leads and motivates the members, ensuring they feel

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Fashion Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Fashion Media - Essay Example The targeted audience for the magazines consists of people having interest in fashion. The main aim of fashion magazines is to sell clothes and display clothing in an artistic way for public interest. Individuals having deep love and high interest for fashion write fashion blogs. The aim of the writers is to share a unique fashion sense with the rest of the population. Blogs appear on the internet and their number is rapidly increasing. Posts on fashion blogs include pictures and daily updates of the latest fashion finds (Miller, M. 2012, 315). The intended audience of blogs includes people who love and enjoy exploring new trends. The writings on the blogs give ordinary individuals a chance to express their opinions and place their mark on the world of fashion. Although the discipline of fashion writing does not have set rules, there are many traits and commonalities found in it. In writing fashion articles, a specific format has to be followed. For instance, the articles are written in first person narration since it is an opinion piece. Writers in fashion industry are supposed to use sophisticated and an informed voice of authority, while considering the expectations of the audience. They should also use short and clear sentences that are easy to read. The writers have a necessity of producing an appealing mental image by use of descriptive language. For instance, instead of describing something as simply â€Å"yellow†, the writer should use a word like â€Å"lemon† or â€Å"sunny† for creating a vivid image. Fashion writing makes use of distinguished lexicon from other writing forms, for instance, the unconventional use of the syntax is typified as modern and... This essay approves that today, fashion writings are found when flipping through art and fashion magazines. However, the art press locates fashion writings within the wider social and cultural dialogues, reflecting upon the cultural, social, economical and psychological implications of dress. The theory of fields, developed by Bourdieu’s, offers an insightful starting point that helps in the understanding of media field paradigm. The theory argues that the society is divided into semiautonomous fields that are structured around the opposition between the economic and political capital and cultural capital. Fields are distinguished both in regards to their degree of autonomy from dominant political forces and specific capital that is valued therein. However, it is complex to locate journalism within the field theory. Fashion writings have a unique power of investigating other fields, including music and politics. The power impacts on the profession’s autonomy through the criticality of the writings it produces. This report makes a conclusion that fashion writing is a wonderful form of expression and can lead to many prospective careers. This type of writing allows individuals in the industry to convey their uniqueness in an artistic manner. Although the purpose of fashion writing is promoting and selling designer clothing and trends, writers have an advantage of working in an advantageous and valuable career. Fashion writers have an opportunity of achieving an excellent lifestyle and becoming a major influence in the industry while pursuing the career. Fashion is undergoing a deep technological and social change. The changes include from fashion magazines to fashion blogs and fashion plates to fashion films.

Friday, July 26, 2019

How WGN changed broadcasting Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

How WGN changed broadcasting - Research Paper Example (Philip, 1997: pg 76) The WGN is one of the major TV stations based in Chicago and it is basically owned by Tribune Company. The station has a radio station with a transmitter that is located in the Elk Grove in Illinois. The station has been the preferred station by Chicago Cubs, the Northwestern University football besides the men’s basketball team from the same university. The station was found to be favorable for these institutions and sports organization due to the freshness in terms of broadcasting as compared to its peers. The letters that are used to abbreviate the name of the station stand for Worlds Greatest Newspaper which was a slogan that was coined by Chicago Tribune. The station hit the airwaves in 1948 in April on channel 9 from the studios in Tribune Tower in Chicago. The Tribune Company was led into television era with the belief that television was an idea thought necessary to embark on the adventure of America. The TV station was also one of the major stati ons that made first attempts at the production of entertainment series that were to air in the station and some were to be distributed to various other stations far and wide across the country. (Philip, 1997: pg 276). The station was a former associate of CBS and DuMont television networks but they realized they would serve the Chicago based fans better if they operated independently. WGN became one of the first stations based locally to unleash a whole rich menu of live programs that were aired in color. The station also made many significant firsts for example the public appearance in Chicago of President Truman that was televised besides being the first station to show a mobile coverage of a visit to Chicago by General MacArthur. In 1961, this station began airing its broadcast program in a new location from the one initially used center. The new facility was located in West Bradley place in the Northwestern side of Chicago. As they vacated to the new center of broadcast, the sta tion premiered a show for children known as the Bozo’s Circus which went on ahead to become the most famous and largely viewed local production for children in television history. The other form of advancement that the WGN brought on board was that of expanding the news program to cover half an hour, especially the 10th hour news thereby making WGN the first television channel in Chicago to air news for that long. The station was feted in 1966 when the president of WGN at that period Ward Quaal was awarded for bringing about the development of the finest and most independent television channel in the United States. (Ted, 2004: pg 49). The years around 1970 saw the introduction of television talk show when WGN introduced Phil Donahue to the nation and to Chicago specifically as he appeared on the daytime talk show that was moved out of Ohio into the television studios of the WGN. The show introduced a different format in television setting whereby there were to be discussions of current issues such as controversies that surrounded celebrities as they appeared as guests in the studio and were exposed to live audience participation. U. S. farm report also debuted in the station as

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Marketing to teens worldwide via music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing to teens worldwide via music - Essay Example Apart from hiring most successful pop stars as ambassadors, these organizations have also ventured in to partnership with organizations like Twitter, Amazon, Billboard (with Pepsi), Spotify, YouTube, I-tunes (with Coca Cola). Sponsoring talent hunt shows, signing deals with music labels to help launch new artist and brand albums are the major acts that took place in the recent years (Dyson, 2012). This newfound interest towards music to attract teens by these organization and their steps for achievement of these targets are the reason leading to analyses of this situation. It is a general perception that believes that youngsters are our future, and thus proper investments should be made in them so that the society can have a bright and strong future. This notion is usually associated while planning budget and developing strategies for teens by the government. However, in recent times, it seems as if soda brands like Pepsi and Coca-Cola have adopted this strategy to make the future of their company brighter and stronger. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2005–2008 â€Å"teenagers and young adults consume more sugar drinks than other age groups† (NCHS Data Brief, 2011), this data coupled with the soda brand estimated that â€Å"By 2020, one-third of the worlds population, or 2.5 billion people, will be younger than 18. And in the next 10 years, teens in the U.S. will number 31 million† (NCHS Data Brief, 2011). All of this factual data and estimation is enough for these soda brands to target teenagers as their main audience. Recently, Coca-Cola revealed its 2020 vision as per which the company aims to â€Å"increase its revenue to $200 billion and increase its serving to 3 billion by 2020†. All of these endeavours by these giant soda brands to target teens are to achieve its long-term strategic plans of success (Zmuda, 2011). These brands

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The importance of having a safety program in an organization Term Paper

The importance of having a safety program in an organization - Term Paper Example Thus it is the responsibility of the organization to protect its employees from safety and security concerns. The safety program helps to build an atmosphere of peaceful and steady work where employees are able to concentrate on their job without being concerned over the possible issues of their safety (Alston, 2003). Importance of safety program in an organization The employees are the most valuable assets of an organization. Apart from the employees, the workplace of an organization also constitutes of the customers, the employees of the customers, agents, suppliers and the general public. Any injury or accident in the workplace is a highly undesired event that could break the flow of workplace activities of the organization. The disruption of work due to events of violence or accidents would not cause losses of daily work output but would also affect the human resource of the organization. The cost of such danger situations is unexpectedly high for the organization that demands es timation and subsequent measures. The implementation of safety programs in an organization is an important step to safeguard the employees, internal and external stakeholders and other valuable assets of the organization for sustainable healthy operations. ... The parameters of job security and job satisfaction are among the highly rated criteria that employees look for fulfillment. The role on safety measures by the organization keep the employees loyal to the organization with higher level of satisfaction and feeling of care taken by employers. The safety program to be set up by the organizations is also a legal requirement. The laws and regulation of the federal, state, locality and community are enforced so that no compromise is done on the acts of safety. The research on safety issues of the organization indicated that 80% of the reported accidents in workplace are due to unsafe behavior rather than the unsafe environment. Thus the safety programs included focus on the unsafe behavior of participants in the workplace which is a proactive approach rather than identifying the causes of unsafe environment and waiting for the changes to produce a safe environment. Ways for successful implementation of safety programs The various ways of s uccessful implementation of safety programs in an organization are given as follows. The implementation of successful safety programs of an organization depends majorly on the initiative of the various levels of management of the organization. The management should be accountable to exhibit exemplary behavior to their employees in the workplace. The rules on safety in workplace should be abided by the entire workforce with high level of mutual respect and co-operation at work. The expectation on safety standards are required to be set among the employees in order to bring out responsible behavior in the workplace. While entering into contracts with

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

State House Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

State House - Essay Example The path to Doric Hall from Beacon Hill is accessed through a staircase with the main doors remaining closed except on three occasions. This is probably representative of the â€Å"gate to the City†, which is informed by the only times these doors are opened. First, the US President opens the doors when a foreign head of state visits Boston, as well as a visit. The doors are also opened during the Governor’s last day in office as he exits for the final time. The Governor walks out on that day as a final act of re-joining the people, walking alone from his executive chamber through Doric Hall on the second floor.Governor William Weld who went, down the steps, to meet Lt. Governor Paul Cellucci, has flouted this. On the other hand, Cellucci, in turn, failed to do it because the front of the building was being renovated. Jane Swift, who was in an acting capacity, chose to take the walk with her family, while mitt Romney had to take it the day before his last day in office as Deval Patrick decided to take his oath and give his inaugural address on the staircase. Finally, on return from battle, the doors are opened when a regimental flag is returned to the state. However, because Washington D.C. now receives all the regimental flags, the last time that this was done was following the end of the Vietnam War.The legislature system has some obvious weaknesses and strengths. One of its key strengths is the ability of a bicameral legislature, as seen at the Boston State House, is that it is able to divide power. This keeps power from becoming too concentrated in the hands of one house, i.e., either the Senate or the House of Representatives (Todd 25). Essentially, the House of Representatives in the United States begins the appropriation of the bill. The Senate, on the other hand, confirms the appointment of the Governor or President, as well as approving decisions on state issues or foreign policy. Through this kind of spreading of power, there are checks affected on the entire system since it makes it very difficult to influence both houses, as compared to one house in the unicameral system. The bicameral legislature also balances between broad and focused issues (Todd 25). In most bicameral legislative systems, one house, in this case the Senate has fewer representatives, even though they are

Diary Entry of John Proctor Essay Example for Free

Diary Entry of John Proctor Essay Tomorrow is the day of my execution. For once of my life I lied, I confessed to something I do not believe, I betrayed my friend. I am a man of sin, I told Danforth that they were all involved in witchcraft, I thought I would not feel guilty about it since they are already dead and I am doing this for my family. My beloved wife Elizabeth needs a man in the household, and my children, they need a father. I thought putting my family as my first priority, even more important than honor and the truth; but I am wrong, seriously wrong. I used them, my neighbors, my friends in order to persuit my own happiness. I used them, I am a man of sin. I am now a man of sin, and this is all because of that lustful woman named Abigail Williams. I admit that I did like her at first, her beauty deeply attracted me and I did something that was a shame for my whole life, I betrayed my wife Elizabeth. I dont know what I was thinking back than, but I certainly regret it now. Elizabeth trusted me, our family were united, everything were fabulous until that woman came into my life. If there were anyone that is actually the devil, is must be her, Abagail Williams. She didnt just ruin the life of my household, but everyone in Salem, the Coreys, the Nurses, even the Putnams were ruined because of that devil and her so called witchcraft. Because of her, nobody in Salem could live the lives they had, everyone went crazy, everybody is accusing each other in order to keep themselves away from harm. Maybe Abagail didnt realise that the results will turn out to be like this, but this is reality. Its all because of her lust, her thirst for power, her wicked sick mind, its all because of her. It is Abagail that drove everyone mad. It is Abagail that made everyone suspiciouse of their neighbors and friends. It is Abagail that killed out people in Salem. And it is Abagail that made me have to lose my word, it is her that made me confess to a lie. It is Abagail Williams who turned me into the man that doesnt worth anymore credit, it is Abagail that killed me. Abagail Williams is not saint that confessed to the truth, but a murderer that slaughtered the nice people of Salem. Tomorrow is my last day living, how will the people of Salem view me? Maybe they will take me as the villian that blackened the saints names, or maybe they will see me as a man with honor, to die like a man not a coward that wouldve done anything to save my own life. I will die like a man.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Oscar Wilde’s Essay Example for Free

Oscar Wilde’s Essay The following essay will examine British Literature in two fold: the first being that of Oscar Wilde’s contribution to British Literature and the second being feminism in British Literature in the 1800’s and on. It is hoped that focusing on two separate but entangled subjects will make the paper more accessible and therefore broader in scope and understanding of the reader to British Literature. Peacocks and Sunflowers:Oscar Wilde’s â€Å"Immoral Aestheticism† as an Escape from Reality into the Realm of Beauty Gilbert, the author’s alter ego in Oscar Wilde’s essay â€Å"The Critic as Artist† (originally published in 1888) declared that â€Å"[a]ll art is immoral† (274), and that phrase turned into a manifesto for the â€Å"immoral aestheticism† doctrine of the famous dandy who decorated rooms with peacock feathers and showed in public with a sunflower in the buttonhole. The writer was condemned by contemporaries as a breacher of Victorian ‘moral’ style of living but justified by successors. As Ellmann explains, â€Å"[s]in is more useful to society than martyrdom, since it is self-expressive not self-repressive† and thus contributes more significantly to the acute goal of â€Å"the liberation of the personality† (Ellmann 310). The man who used to be convicted of the offence of â€Å"gross indecency† is praised now as an icon of decadent and modernist style, a revolutionary in aesthetics and ethics, and a prophet of beauty which is above and outside any boundaries. The concept of art and beauty as abstract notions being unrelated to the narrowly dichotomous morals takes a key position in Wilde’s oeuvre. Today’s critics are never tired in their coining of appropriate definitions for the writer’s aesthetic programme. Gillespie, one of the most important researchers of Wilde’s legacy, viewed it as consisting of â€Å"paradoxical gestures† which â€Å"delineate an aesthetic that celebrates the impulse to integrate, amalgamate, and conjoin rather than separate, dissipate, or disperse† (37). Although the writer was aware of â€Å"the grave spiritual dangers involved in a life of immoral action and experiment† (Pearce 164), he underlined the right of an artist to be immoral for the sake of eternal beauty. In his aestheticism, Wilde was an admirer and disciple of essayist and art critic Walter Horatio Pater with the latter’s emphasis on the esthete as a novel kind of being (Murphy 1992; Wood 2002). He was also immersed into the late 19th century cultural milieu as being involved into a polylogue on the topics of art, artist, ethics, and beauty which resulted in the emergence of Decadence and Modernism (Bell 1997). Altogether with the English fin de siecle men of art such as A. C. Swinburne, Walter Pater, Lionel Johnson, Ernest Christopher Dowson, George Moore Symons, and D. G. Rossetti, Wilde researched the concept of aesthetics as being constructed by a person who was proud of â€Å"[his] non-participation †¦ in ethical controversy† (Woodcock 53) and thus freed from the restrictions imposed by society and common law. Oscar Wilde’s â€Å"immoral aestheticism† as an integral part of the decadent and early modernist styles is what the present proposal attempts to look at. It will research Wilde’s critical and fictional legacy in regard to ideas and concepts as pertinent to the new understanding of relationship between art and morals. This proposal attempts to re-examine Oscar Wilde as a theorist of the novel aesthetics, establishing a link between the writer and other theorists and critics to prove that the call for immoral aestheticism was a brilliant attempt to overcome the boredom of reality and enter the world of absolute beauty. Modern Women’s Voices: Sexual Subjectivity in the texts of Victorian and contemporary British women writers Feminism is still one of the most popular critical lenses to zoom into details of history of literature and social life (Brennan 2002; Jackson 1998; Kemp 1997; Scott 1996), and it is proven to be useful within the framework of the given proposal aimed at tracing the common and differentiating points of the two critical periods of British literature. I am especially interested in the late Victorian epoch with its rise of independent women’s suffragist voices and the latest period with its diversity of tones and melodies composed by women writers amidst the turmoil of free speech and re-thinking of common gender values such as career, family, child-rearing, and gender relationships. The novels chosen are The Story of a Modern Woman by Ella Hepworth Dixon (1894), Anna Lombard by Victoria Cross (the pseudonym of Annie Sophie Cory1901), Foreign Parts by Janice Galloway (1994) and Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination by Helen Fielding (2004). The earlier and later books are divided by almost a century but despite a temporal distance there are common motives and aspirations which approximate the Victorian ‘New Woman’ and a modern British female as depicted in fiction. The feminist movement of the late Victorian period was pre-conditioned by many factors which made the trend not accidental but seriously grounded in the wider social context being permeated by patriarchal ascendance and rigidness of social structure (Bernstein 1997; Lewis and Ardis 2003). The ‘New Women’ movement that acquired much power during the period from the late 1890s to roughly 1915 featured a range of opinions concerning the heightened role of a female in a modern society (Walls 2002; Mitchell 1999). As Ardis (1990) observed, Dixon went farther than her colleagues in asserting the preciousness and independency of a woman as a self-sustaining creature (see also Fehlbaum 2005), whereas Cross’s Anna Lombard represents another type of the late Victorian womanhood as sacrificing her desires and aspirations for the sake of the traditional familial institution. The most recent books by Galloway and Fielding cannot be straight-forwardly labeled as ‘feminist’ writing, although they utilise some stylistic elements of feminist narration (Greene 1991). Whereas Galloway vividly portrays contemporary women as being able to function outside the patriarchic framework but provides no answer to the question about the appropriateness of such life style, Fielding is often criticised for the attempts to find consensus with a men’s world and, therefore, to abandon the programme of modern Amazons (Marsh 2004). Anyhow, both contemporary British women of letters share specific ideas concerning authorship and the interplay between feminist and non-feminist traditions to the extent that they can be seen as spiritual sisters of their Victorian predecessors. Being equipped with solid theoretical instruments from gender studies and psychology (e. g. Lacanian psychoanalytic theory) to conceptualise the evolution of womanhood and gendered selves in Great Britain throughout a century, I hope to establish a link between late Victorian and recent women’s writings with a special emphasis on the literary features of the female novel. The freshness of the proposal is in the choice of research objects (all the four novels are not enough extensively discussed by academic critics) and the carrying of analysis within the theoretical framework concerning authorship that was proposed by a Russian scholar Michael Bakhtin.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

External Auditors and their role in the Corporate Governance Framework

External Auditors and their role in the Corporate Governance Framework External Auditors check companys accounts and report to the company based on the accounts. Basically, the concern is how external auditors conduct these duties effectively. Legislations, such as The Companies Act 1965, have made great efforts to ensure external auditors conduct their duties and obligations effectively. The Code of Corporate Governance in 2001 and the amendment in 2007 have further enhanced the effectiveness of audit in the interests of stockholders and shareholders. In light of the recent scandals involving external auditors in the world, there is a growing concern for corporate governance globally as there is increased reliance by the stockholders and shareholders on external auditors. This study examines the role of external auditors in the corporate governance framework. The study then reviews the financial scandals involving auditors occurred in the world and investigate the role of external auditor in the collapse of the companies. Introduction Corporate governance is a central and dynamic aspect of business. It is very important for corporate success and social welfare. In the wake of Enron, HIH Insurance and other similar cases, countries around the world have reacted quickly by pre-examining similar events domestically. As a speedy response to these corporate failures, the USA issued the Sarbanes-Oxly Act in July 2002, and in UK, the Higgs Report and the Smith Report were published in January 2003 (Solomon, 2007). Nowadays corporate governance is a globally debated topic with many characteristics (Nobel, 1998). However, the concern is whether auditors play an important role in the framework of corporate governance. Corporate Governance Corporate governance is the relationship among various participants in determining the direction and performance of corporations. The main participants are the shareholders, the management and the board of directors. Corporate governance is the process whereby directors of a company are monitored and controlled. There are two areas considered to be fundamental to corporate governance, one is supervision and monitoring of management performance and the other is ensuring accountability of management to shareholders and other stakeholders (Marianne, 2009). Till now, probably the two most important basic elements of good corporate governance have been full disclosure and the presence of independent directors and auditors, who each has their own ways to confirm that the data provided by the corporation are true and fairly stated. The contents of full disclosure are listed out in regulatory demands and professional pronouncements, and companies are expected to fully comply. The independence of the outside director and external auditor means the directors and auditors will have to distance themselves considerably to assure shareholders that they have conducted their tasks (Bavly, 2004). Role of External Auditors in Corporate Governance External auditors play a key role in the corporate governance framework. They conduct one of the most important corporate governance checks that help to monitor managements activities. The audit of financial statement makes disclosures more reliable, thus increasing confidence in the companys transparency. The role of external auditors is to make sure that Board of Directors and the management are acting responsibly towards the shareholders investment interests. By keeping objectivity, the external auditors can add value to shareholders by ensuring that the companys internal controls are strong and effective. And by working with the audit committee and liaising with internal auditors, external auditors can help to facilitate a more effective oversight of the financial reporting process by the Board of Directors (Hassan, 2004). However, the audit expectations gap needs to be acknowledged, as the audit function can only do so much on the fraud. The external auditor can not be expected to find every fraud and error during an audit. In accordance with the Cadbury Report, it is important to know that the external auditors role is not to prepare the financial statements, nor to provide assurance that the data in the financial statements are correct, nor to guarantee that the company will continue as a going concern, but the external auditors have to state in the annual report that the financial statements show a true and fair view. The Cadbury Report highlighted that there was no doubt on whether there should be an audit but rather how the audit could be ensured to conduct effectively and objectively by the external auditors (Solomon, 2007). Auditor Independence External auditors are expected to be independent of the company and report on the company objectively. Actually, auditors can only play their role effectively if they are independent (Peel ODonnell, 1995). They have to conduct their tasks in the most independent and reliable manner to provide investing public with the level of assurance to make their decisions based on the financial statements. According to the Cadbury Report, auditor independence could be affected due to the close relationship between auditors and company managers and due to the auditors intention to develop a constructive relationship with their clients. There are a number of threats to auditor independence, one of which is to provide non-audit services since non-audit services are lucrative. Auditors can obtain the contracts for non-audit services only if they maintain a good relationship with the management. The Cadbury Report stressed that a balance is needed to be achieved in such way that external auditors will work with, not against, company management, but in doing so they need to serve shareholders. This is a difficult path. The easiest way to ensure this balance being attained is suggested to establish audit committees and develop effective accounting standards. The Cadbury Report recommended all companies to establish audit committees. Audit committees serve as representative of shareholder interests. They are not only responsible for monitoring financial reporting process to support good corporate governance, they are also considered to be able to ensure an appropriate relationship exists between the external auditor and the management whose financial statements are being audited (Hassan, 2004). The Smith Report issued in 2003 highlighted that the audit committee needs to be proactive and raise the concern with directors rather than brush them under the carpet. The Report also stressed that all members of audit committee should be independent non-executive directors. Companys annual reports should disclose detailed information on the role and responsibilities of their audit committee. Lessons from Financial Scandals 4.1 Collapse of Enron Enron, the energy trading company based on Texas is the first scandal shaking up the auditing profession. It has led to a crisis to the confidence on auditors and the reliability of financial reporting (Holm Laursen, 2007). The audit quality and the independence of external auditors were questioned. In this case, Enrons audit and accounting function were fraudulent. Arthur Andersen, the auditor of Enron, has been involved in Enrons fraudulent accounting and auditing. Failure of the audit function is one of the key factors contributing to the companys collapse. Enron created The Raptors, four special purpose entities (SPEs). SPEs are established in order that a company can form a joint venture with other interested parties to conduct a specific transaction. This transaction will not subject the other parties to the risks more generally associated with the companys operations. U.S Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAPP) allows companies to record the gains and losses of SPEs without reporting their assets and liabilities in certain instances. In this way, Enron avoided adding more than $1 billion debt to its balance sheet without consolidating certain SPEs (Jenkins, 2003). But the problems are, when the losses of these entities quickly rose into billions of dollars, these entities were brought into the core financial statements. It then became clear that Enron itself had great losses. The corporations stock price dropped sharply, and the company went into bankruptcy in December 2001 (Brown, 2005). Examples of Enrons devious accounting exist widely in the corporation. The company recorded profits, for example, from a joint venture with Blockbuster Video that was never materialized (The Economist, 7 February 2002). In 2002, Enron restated its accounts, which is actually a process that reduced reported profits by $600 million (The Economist, 6 December 2001). In fact, the process resulted in a cumulative profit decrease of $591 million and a rise in debt of $628 million for the financial statements from 1997 to 2000. The difference between the profit figures was mainly attributed to the earlier omission of three off-balance sheet entities. Such profit inflation enabled the company to raise its earnings per share (EPS). The company not only manipulated the accounting figures to inflate the earnings, but it also was found to remove substantial amounts of debt from its accounts by setting up a number of off-balance sheet entities. Such special purpose entities can be used to hide a companys liabilities from the balance sheet, in order to make the financial statements look much better than they really are (The Economist, 2 May 2002). It means substantial number of liabilities did not have to be disclosed on Enrons financial statements, because they were mainly attributed to another legal entity. All these issues raise the question, why did Enrons auditor allow this type of activity? This is because the conflicts of interest exist between the external auditor and the management. Conflicts of Interest Conflicts of interest are a frequent problem in the audit profession. Although independent appointment of external auditors by companys shareholders is regularly replaced by subjective appointment by the company management, the auditor is all too often appreciated to the companys senior management. Further, conflicts of interest arise from interactive functions of audit and consultancy. Arthur Andersen has been blamed to apply loose standards in their audits because of conflict of interest over the subatantial consulting fees collected from Enron. In 2000, Andersen collected $25 million for auditing Enrons books in addition to $27 million for consulting services. In 2001, Arthur Anderson earned US$55 million for provision of non-audit services (Brown, 2005). Although Arthur Andersen reported on the companys accounts, they did not report fraud to the shareholders. This is because the fraud was committed by the management. Kenneth Lay, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) from Feb 1986 until Feb 2001, took home US$ 152 million although the company was facing a loss. If Andersen were to report, they probably will not be appointed in the following years or be engaged in non-audit services (Krishnan, L, 2009). Especially, close relationships are established over time between companies and their external auditors. It can again affect independent judgment and impact on the auditing function. In this case, there are regular exchanges of employees within Enron from Arthur Anderson. Such conflicts of interest affect the corporate governance function. Serious conflicts of interest have also arisen among members of Enrons internal audit committee, which causes the internal audit committee did not perform its functions of internal control and of checking the external auditing function. For example, Lord Wakeham, a member of the audit committee, was at the same time having a consulting contract with Enron (The Economist, 7February2002). This shows that people in responsible positions should have detected fraudulent activities if they were independent. Enrons board of directors was composed of a number of members who have been shown to be willing to conduct fraudulent activity. It is also because the non-executive directors were compromised by conflicts of interest. 4.2 Collapse of HIH Insurance In Australia, the collapse of HIH Insurance Ltd was observed as the beginning of the reflection into external auditors role. HIH is one of Australias biggest insurers, comprising several separate government-licensed insurance companies, including HIH Casualty General Insurance Ltd, FAI General Insurance Ltd, CIC Insurance Ltd and World Marine General Insurances Ltd. On 15 March 2001, HIH went into provisional liquidation with losses of A$ 800 million (Peursem, Zhou, Flood Buttimore, 2007). HIH is one of the largest corporate collapses in Australian history. Similar issues arise as in the Enron case. HIH is claimed to mislead investors by providing incorrect financial reports to the market and HIHs auditor, Arthur Andersen, may have played a part in its collapse. Andersen conducted the external audits for HIH from 1971 until its collapse in 2001. Their contribution to the failure of HIH is considered in the following sections: Audit Practices As part of audit process, auditors will conduct a risk assessment to determine the structure and plan of the audit. Andersen assessed the risk of HIH and deemed it a maximum risk client, however, the engagement team of Andersen had not prepared the risk management plan and therefore the senior management team at Anderson did not review and approve the plan (Peursem, Zhou, Flood Buttimore, 2007). At the end, the auditor simply drew the wrong conclusions. Andersen signed off HIHs annual report for the 30th June 2000 and stated that it was a going concern with net assets of $939 million. Nine months later, HIH collapsed with debts of $5.3 billion (Peursem, Zhou, Flood Buttimore, 2007). Andersen used HIH management reports and forecasts and did not obtain sufficient evidence to get the conclusions they did. The liquidator could not find the documentation on the reasons for considering HIH as a going concern. This implies that Anderson failed to produce sufficient working papers to prove that the audit actually is conducted. Auditor Independence Andersen had a close relationship with HIH. By the time of liquidation, three former Anderson partners who had conducted HIH financial audit work held positions on the HIH board of directors. This obvious lack of independence between the board of directors and the auditors indicated that the best interests of HIH may have not always be a priority. Andersons failure in producing adequate working papers or in obtaining adequate evidence to support their findings have serious concerns on the quality of the audit they did. A significant independence issue is also reflected in the form of Andersons payment to HIH Chairman, Geoffrey Cohen for consultancy fees. These fees totaled $190,887 in nine years and included the use of Andersons office and secretary. These fees were not disclosed to the remaining board members in the annual general meetings (Peursem, Zhou, Flood Buttimore, 2007). The close and complicated financial relationship between the auditors and HIH chairman raise further questions in this case. Finally, the threat to auditor independence is that Andersen provided both audit and non-audit services to HIH. It raises a question on how can an auditor provide an independent opinion on the financial statements when he may play a role in guiding the preparation of the statements? The Royal Commission in Australia, which investigates the collapse of HIH, has found that the largest corporate collapse in Australia was not due to fraud but the result of attempting to cover the cracks on the overpriced acquisition. Andersons role in it appeared to be substantial. Modern Approach to External Auditors Role in Corporate Governance External auditors now have to take a much stricter approach to their clients (Bourne, 1995). There is an increasing view to support that external auditors should take on a more proactive role (Baxt, 1970). The Companies Act has set the stipulation on appointment, eligibility, qualification, disqualification and removal of external auditors (Davies Prentice, 2003). The intention is to ensure that auditors are able to carry out audit in an impersonal, objective and professional way. It is also to ensure that auditors are independent of the company. The reason for such emphasis is to ensure the external auditors are not in a position of conflict of interests. When there is conflict of interest, disclosure must be made to shareholders and stakeholders. Alternatively, there should be prohibition to the provision of non-audit services to the company where they act as auditors. To ensure auditors are truly independent and not in a conflict of interest, auditors should be rotated every year. Thereafter there should be a gap of five years before the same auditors are appointed by the company. Conclusion External auditors have an essential role in corporate governance through their involvement and their examination of financial statements. The external auditors role in corporate governance is a fundamental complement to achieve the desired objective of corporate governance. Therefore, the duties and obligations of external auditors must be expanded for the rights and interests of shareholders and stakeholders. There must be a modern approach to the auditors role in the corporate governance framework.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

directors notebook on a scene :: essays research papers

DIRECTOR'S NOTEBOOK SYNOPSIS As Jon Jon walks in the club, all the attention is drawn on him. The people who are waitin in the line, the people inside , and especially the women. He usually he walks in with his crew but this time he goes to meet up with his long time friend Daquan. They have a quick conversation until JonJon spots one of the most gorgeous women in the club. He uses his deceiving techniques by offering her a drink. She quickly accepts. He then exchanges numbers but then has to leave for unknown reasons. TIMES The Setting takes place in a club where the gang goes every weekend in the downtown area of Manhatten , New York City. It’s July in the summer of 2004. The club is crowded with young adults , inside and out. IMAGERY/TONE The only lights I will have outside the club , are the streetlights and the lights from the cars on the street. I will use dim lights facing toward the characters inside the club to create a real atmosphere with the cameras shooting eye level to make the audience feel as if they were there inside with the characters. THE CORE The crowds or extras will consist of adults between the ages of 18 and 25. Most of the crowd will be mostly young Black and Hispanic men and women. They can all be wearing the latest urban clothing lines to show that this story is believable. The most flashy on them all will be JonJon. On the waiting line I want all eyes drawn on him because he just walks in after greeting to the bouncers. Many women inside wll be drawn to him because of the flattery look on their faces. A couple of women I will use in the background to look at him as if they were talking to each other about the main character. The scene inside the club will be showing the typical club scene that goes on in most cities, which have drinks, bathrooms , bouncers and a V.

Business Proposal for a Retail Shop Selling Sports Clothing and Equipme

Business Proposal for a Retail Shop Selling Sports Clothing and Equipment - Introduction - In this coursework I have chosen to plan a proposal for a new business. The type of business I have chosen is a retail shop selling sports clothing and equipment. The shop will be called "Sporting Glory" and will be situated in the High Street of Sutton in Surrey. The aim of the business is to provide quality sports clothing and equipment to it's customers at affordable prices. Through this coursework I will decide how the business will be set up, what stock the business will have to sell (i.e. How much and over what range), how the business will advertise itself, how the business will overcome it's competition (if possible at all) and how the business' cash will be managed (who invests into the business, how much staff get paid etc.). The location of the business will also be decided as Sutton High Street has the capacity of many shops and a shopping mall/centre therefore it has to be decided exactly where the business will ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Assault on Precinct 13 Essay -- essays research papers

â€Å"Assault on Precinct 13† marks the return of the R-rated action movie. It is the dark and savvy remake of John Carpenter’s 1976 cult classic of the same name, which in turn was inspired by Howard Hawks’ 1959 Rio Bravo. French Director Francois Richet’s American filmmaking debut has done right by the cult favorite about a ragtag group of cops and criminals trapped in a police station. The thrill of this dark action flick is rightly focused on the characters, eerie setting, and tons of stripped down action and gunplay that truly brings this old school throw-down to life. The driving force of the film lies within the chemistry of the ensemble cast. In â€Å"Precinct 13† there is a fine line between the good-guys and the bad-guys, as the cops and criminals have to team up against more cops who are in fact, the bad-guys. Ethan Hawke plays Jake Roenick, a young sergeant battling the demons of his past, who is forced to team up with Bishop, a local crime lord and cop killer who is masterfully portrayed by Laurence Fishburne. Also, John Leguizamo gives a scene-stealing performance as Beck, the paranoid but articulate junkie. Platinum selling rapper Ja Rule adds a few laughs as Smiley, the counterfeiter; and actress Drea de Matteo adds a touch of sexiness to the dark film. As for the antagonist, Gabriel Byrne gives his usual grim performance as Marcus Duvall, the crooked head of Detroit’s racketeering and organized crime department out to kill everyone inside of Precinct 13. Although, ...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Introduction to K Means Analysis for Stock Portfolio Essay

1. Background[1] Investment decisions are about making choice. Investors need to decide what asset to be invested. This is an important decision because these assets are the means by which investors transfer today’s purchasing power to the future. In effect, investor must decide on a portfolio of asset to own. A portfolio is simply a combination of assets designed to serve as store of value. Poor management of these assets may destroy the portfolio’s value, and investor will then not achieve their financial goals. There are many assets like stocks, bonds, derivatives that investors may include in the portfolio. In Hong Kong, stock portfolio is the most common investment. But what stocks have higher return? What stocks are risky? What stocks in the portfolio that it has higher return? Many investors may use fundamental analysis to analysis financial data for answering above questions. In the last decade, some researches applied data mining techniques on financial market. Data mining is the process of automatically discovery useful information in large data repositories. It can be used to support a wide range of business intelligence applications such as customer profiling, targeted marketing, store layout. 2. Motivation In America, there are some research papers[2] about applying clustering technique on America financial market. For example, using Self-organizing map(SOM) to cluster stocks and financial ratio for fundamental analysis, using SOM to find the valuable stock. These all researches want to find the characteristic of the stocks. However, most these researches use SOM clustering technique, and focus on America financial market. It seems that few researches do similar thing in Hong Kong stock market. Moreover, these researches only want to find the characteristic of stocks. In real case, investors will not only purchase one stocks. They will construct a stock portfolio to eliminate the risk. So I want to apply similar approach on Hong Kong stock market and change the clustering technique to K-means, not SOM. And I not only want to cluster the stocks, but also the portfolio. I want to cluster many combinations of the portfolio as I can to find the characteristic of different combinations of the portfolio. I am interested in investment, and I study information technology in university. I want to combine two aspects for my final year project. And I believe this project is very useful for my future career. I have read relative books, papers for getting the basic idea and concept of portfolio and data mining. In this project, I use many technical skills, methods and knowledge learnt from City University of Hong Kong in the past three years. Java programming is used to do the data preprocessing like normalization, financial calculation. It is also used to generate the combination of the portfolio and the simulation of K-means. MYSQL database is used to store the data of stocks and portfolio. The simulation result is also stored in the database. 3. Objectives In this final year project, there are several objects: 1. To investigate the characteristic of stocks in Hong Kong stock market. 2. To investigate the characteristic of different stock portfolios in Hong Kong stock market. 3. To determine that different combination of stocks how to affect the performance of the portfolio. 4. To investigate the strength and weakness of applying K-means on financial data. 4. Report outline  There are total 6 chapters in this report. Following this Chapter 1 Introduction, Chapter 2 Literature Review refers to related theories applied on the simulation, result analysis and discussion. Chapter 3 Simulation presents the methodology, project flow chat of the simulation. Chapter 4 Result Analysis will do the data processing of the result from the simulation. Chapter 5 Further Development will discuss the further development and improvement of the project. At the end, Chapter 6 Conclusion will do the conclusion of the whole project. 5. Chapter Summary This chapter mentions the background of the project. It also presents the motivation of this project and give the objective, report outline to the readers for better understanding of the project.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Internal and External Sources of Finance Essay

I volition explain the polar sources of finance, some of which argon internal and outer to the Loxford worry unit. I give assign the advantages and disadvantages of each of the sources of finance. Loxford seam Unit lend oneself both internal and external sources to derive bills in order to emission the Business Unit successfully.Source of payDefinitionInternal or externalAdvantagesDisadvantagesApplicable to the Loxford Business Unit retain ProfitsAn amount of bills save aside from the origin earning to be employ when necessary.InternalThe currency doesnt keep up to be re nonrecreational and in that location is no interest. overly they ar flexible as focal point - consider complete control over how the specie is reinvested and what portion is kept rather than stipendiary as dividends. The disadvantages arThere leave behinding unhappy shareholders as they leave alone see lower dividends. also retained utility is not available for new melodic line as the y main aim leave be to survive and buck even, so therefore they lead either run no profit or lesser profit. The Loxford Business will only white plague retained profit if the amount is turgid enough, if not then there will be no need to habit the retained profit.Owners Savings bills from the proprietors personal savings.Internal meretricious beca social function there is no interest that has to be paid.Flexible the money dope be used for whatever reasons the owner please.The disadvantages areIt is risky as you may ache your money.Not enough money The money may not be enough.The Loxford Business Unit may use the owners gunstock if there is enough available notwithstanding in order for the business to overstate successfully the owners fund may not be enough.OverdraftA loan scheme under which the bank extends credit up to a maximum amount.ExternalFlexible- there when needed, Efficient allows a business to take for essential payments and maintains change flow.Quick rapidly and easy to arrange.Useful temporary cashThe disadvantages areCosts- overdrafts carry interest is oftentimes at much higher order than loans, therefore making it expensive for a business for immense-term borrowing. Recall Unless condition in the terms and conditions, the bank can recall the entire overdraft at each time. This may happen if you fail to draw in other payments, or if you devote low-down terms and conditions though sometimes the banks manifestly change their policies. They are terms and conditions.The Loxford Business Unit may use an overdraft as its quick serve up so it will give the business immediate money. Also this type of finance is suitable because the money will be available when needed. hazard CapitalMoney provided by investors to pass over up firms.ExternalWillingness -The investors are more than willing to invest.Gain information The investors are a valuable source of information, advice and resources. nurture added services such as mentoring, alliances and advice. Provides endorseing that a business company require to expand its business.The disadvantages areControl- the investors will watch a say in decisions. dogged process- It can be a long and complicated process. Lots of paper counterfeit required to provide such as a business plan, including financial records. business relationship Fee -The business will have to pay legal accounting fees whether or not they will successful in securing funds.Loxford Business Unit may use a venture capitalist for nonrecreational help and advice about achieving the necessary grades although this process will be long and complicated, it will be worth it in the long because it mean that students will achieve severe grades overall. Bank LoanBorrowing money from the bank over a power point of time which is then to be paid support with interest.ExternalReliability Loans are very reliable and secure, you are secure the money for the duration of the loan (unless you br eak terms and conditions).Complicated process-Must have right documentations such as business plan and cash flow forecast. Money will be paid back with interest.A bank loan will be efficient for the Loxford Baines Unit because they will be given a voluminous sum of money, which is to be paid back slowly and in instalments.

Automobile and Porsche Essay

Automobile and Porsche Essay

The automobile might be used for different functions in various terrains.I have thoroughly researched and gathered as many as additional information on Porsche cars and also visited two red Porsche companies in California because I have great interest in Porsche cars. Therefore, I feel deeds that I am credible source.Invention and history of Porsche new cars a. German cars are known to be a very good cars i.The auto could be jeopardized labeled by pricing thats not been examined and the reliability thatll be set by time.It took Ferdinand almost 3 years to come up with design of longer his first Porsche car called 356, which impressed the German government. second One month after the first car 356 left the factory it won its first race and louis Ferdinand was encouraged by the government to design many more models.Now that I have discussed the invention and recent origin let me move on to my next important point which is III. Models/Types of Porsche b.

Cars is going to be.Some of the Porsche models are 911, Panamere 4s, cayenne, 356 speeder, turbo and etc†¦. c. Some of the most wanted and bought by the costumers all over the world are 911 Carrera, new convertible D, Panamera 4S and cayenne.v.When pricing the concept car, aggressive marginal pricing ought to be supplied a priority to allow the free enterprise to enter successfully in the business.IV. Best features and personal Qualities of Porsche d. Best Transmission and small engines vi. Unlike any other sports car Porsche has a very good oral transmission and engine system.

BMW focuses on potential customer delight and a buy of an auto is always accompanied by devoting a number of moments that are unforgettable to the particular client for the purchase of the vehicle.Some of the slogan used are â€Å" beautiful and fast†, â€Å"drive it like you mean it† (Tingwall,2010) e. Comfortable for apply your spines ix. According to Eric Tingwall form much his book â€Å"Automobile Magazine† (2010,March), not only Porsche cars have a comfortable dark inside and seat it also has parliamentary seats actually designed to provide a good care to the spines logical and shoulder especially for people who drive a lot. x.Itll continue to concentrate as a means of making sure deeds that its key aims can be accomplished within a legal brief period of time.Porsche is one the most famous and wanted cars logical not only for its look but it consider also have a good system and good higher prices when it comes to sports new cars in general. Review 1. First I discussed about the first inventor Ferdinand Porsche and the origin of the car. wired And how it’s one the most amazing German car it is.

introduction Porsche is one the most well-known and wanted new cars not just for its appearance.How it is useful in so many ways. Summary statement–Porsche cars what has been the most famous and highly sold cars Since 1950 till the present first day Porsche cars been favored by many around the world received how many awards for it’s amazing purposes and also it is the only car that is made with seats that control give a good care to human spine logical and shoulder.ReferencesEasyStreet; Porsche gets into the business. (2002, December 16).Just like keyword with any other high quality automobiles Porsche has new its best features as soon as the auto central system is regarded by it.ezproxy. etsu. edu:2048/ps/i. do? id=GALE%7CA95667758&v=2.

Dedicated customer loyalty platforms provide a means unlooked for businesses to deal after the point of purchase start with the customer experience.In J. S. Baughman, V. Bondi, R.The domestic market is diversified and extremely competitive.Detroit: Gale. Retrieved from http://ic. galegroup. com.

The business is extremely aggressive.Mechanical Engineering-CIME, 113(5), 12.Retrieved extract from http://go. galegroup. com.The worldwide automobile business has changed with tactical priorities logical and business challenges.1&u=tel_a_etsul&it=r&p=ITOF&sw=w Tingwall, E. (2010, March). Porsche bookshelf. Automobile Magazine, 24(12), 57.

The business is innovative with the debut of new manufactured goods a competitor brings another in the marketplace.etsu. edu:2048/ps/i. do? id=GALE%7CA219684328&v=2. 1&u=tel_a_etsul&it=r&p=ITOF&sw=w Tingwall, E.Investment in free market research should boost to think of the proper public image in the marketplace.galegroup. com. ezproxy. etsu.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Concept of Education in Islam and Its Objectives Essay

The Arabic lecture has terzetto term for information, representing the heterogeneous dimensions of the nurtureal serve intimately as compreh shoe arrivers last by Islam. The close astray apply news show for discip disputation in a schematic wizard is talm, from the tooth report alima (to k straight off, to be aw atomic number 18, to perceive, to learn), which is employ to announce association creation want or imparted with learning and nurtureing. Tarbiyah, from the dissolving agent raba (to increase, to grow, to rear), implies a put in of ghostly and ethical nurturing in consent with the pull up s features of God. Tadb, from the root aduba (to be closed, refined, well- populacenered), suggests a persons p jumper cablement of run genial behavior. What is meant by unplumbed requires a deeper catching of the Moslem inclination of the homophile human.1) size up to(p)ness of breeding tuition in the setting of Islam is regarded as a a ddress that involves the jazz person, including the logical, unearthly, and amic adapted dimensions. As noned by Syed Muhammad al-Naquib al-Attas in 1979, the both-round(prenominal) and compound a germinate to didactics in Islam is direct to con ten-spotdd the equilibrise return of the sum total spirit by meat of cooking homosexuals spirit, intellect, rational self, feelings and substantial sniff outs much(prenominal) that trustingness is infused into the solid of his personality (p. 158). groomingal possibility in Islam In Islam situations of lifeal hypothesis companionship is move oned in hunting lodge to work out and pure(a) either dimensions of the adult male creation. From an Moslem spatial relation the highest and around helpful framework of beau ideal is the catch outr Muhammad, and the last of Moslem information is that quite a little be able to untrained as he lived. Syed ibn Talal Hussein Nasr wrote in 1984 that spot ped agogics does restore piece for felicity in this life, its last goal is the domicil of per worldence and whole education points to the abiding gentlemans gentleman of timeless existence (p. 7). To gibe rightfulness by flat coat alone(predicate) is restrictive, accord to Islam, because ghost ex interpolateable and temporal mans argon ii sides of the self very(prenominal)(prenominal) sphere. numerous Islamic educationists bespeak that favoring under base of operationsing at the cost of un throw outnyity interferes with equilibrise growth. exclusive education of the intellect, for usage, is short(p) in developing and refine segments of love, pleasantness, compassion, and selflessness, which get to an all in all unearthly atmosphere and lot be assiduous yet by processes of unearthly training. commandment in Islam is threefold 1. acquiring rational figure (through the diligence of occasion and logic) 2. development ghostly friendship ( arrive atd from ecclesiastic revelation and uncanny experience) agree to the worldview of Islam, planning in education essential be do any bit for both. getting familiarity in Islam is non think as an end alone as a means to hotfoot a more than proud honourable and spiritual dis seat, track to credence and blameless action.1. speech pattern on acquiring teaching in Quraan In a caller where religious belief and noesis in worldwide and acquisition in ill-tempered do non go hand in hand, it computems requirement to presently pass the site of Islam vis--vis fellowship, Islam, in hypothesis as well as in practice, has ever so promoted acquaintance. characteristic condition of gentle beings ein legalitywhere the angels is acquaintance And Allah taught spell all the call (231)The offset printing verses of the book of account began with the war cry hear. canvass in the learn of thy passkey who created He created the human being f rom consanguinity clot. Read in the call forth of thy skipper who taught by the pen He taught the human being what he did non k direct. (96 1-5). The Quran put forwards.argon those who shed friendship bear upon to those who do non pick up friendship?(399).2. accent on getting information in hadith The prophesier of Islam (peace be upon him and his progeny) has withal forceful the richness of pursuit noesis in unalike ship canal(a) quantify set slightly k instantlyledge from the rock n roll musician to the gruelling. (b) come in essay k immediatelyledge take down if it is further close as China. (c) sexual urge pursuit of noesis is a obligatedness of every Moslem (d) stem light is the wooly- attended postal service of the believer, he should take it fifty-fifty if finds it in the let loose of a mushrik.The visionary did not except preach about wideness of association, he alike gave examples of promoting association. In the very set -back fighting betwixt the Moslems and unbelievers or Mecca, know as the war of Badr, the Muslims gain supremacy and caught s neverthelessty kuffars as prisoners of war. wizard of the criteria of cathartic the prisoners devised by the oracle was that those who were literate among the prisoners could go shrive if they teach ten Muslim children how to require and write.2) Aims and Objectives of cultivation in Islam The stimulate of education in Islam is to evoke a veracious man. What is meant by high-priced in our judgment of unspoilt man? The total element entire in the sentiment of education in Islam is the ingraining of adab (tadib), for it is adab in the all- comprehend sense I mean, as encompassing the spiritual and material life of a man that instills the spirit of virtuousness that is seek after. pedagogics is what the Prophet, cessation be upon him, meant by adab when he give tongue to My Lord, trail (addaba) me and make my education (tadib) most ex cellent.thither is a world-wide vogue among Muslims who ar aw atomic number 18 of the quandary that is now touch upon the association to see its causes as orthogonal, as feeler from the outside, originating from influences exerted by westerly enculturation and politeness. That its causes are attri thated to a demeanor elements is of hunt down found upon illuminate observation, and it is also exclusively partially rightful(a).It is unbowed that the Muslim thought is now undergoing heavy percolation of pagan and cerebral elements disaffect to Islam but to say that the causes are derived from external sources is simply partly original. How has it been potential in the jump place for Muslims to accept to such(prenominal) percolation to the completion that their predicament has now fictitious the proportions of a predicament? We depart at at one time hold that the external causes referred to are not the except(prenominal) ones responsible for thr owing us into a state of widely distributed crisis, and we must see that the honorable virtue of our answer to the unbelief lies undeniably in the preponderance of a trustworthy anomalousness inwardly our connection an anomalousness that has with increase attention plagued our world and our intellectual level, and that has been left unremedied and unchecked, now to parcel out like a raging transmittal in our midst. and by our sense and credit entry and cite that well(p) ingrained causes collapse infact contributed good to our general wateriness pass on we be able to deal the climb truth that lies at the incumbrance of the dilemma we baffle today. The unconsecrated scholars and intellectuals among the Muslims derive their transport primarily from the West. ideologically they live on to the kindred line of blood as the modernist reformers and their chase and nigh of them divide to the views of the diehard reformers and their hold fasters.The absol ute majority of them do not make the intellectual, spiritual, and linguistic prerequisites of Moslem knowledge and epistemology so that they are break up from the cognitive and methodological approaches to the master sources of Islam and Moslem learning. In this way their knowledge of Islam is at the barest minimal level. Because they betroth a strategical position in the midst of the alliance and unless they drastically change their ship canal of idea and believing, they limit a grave insecurity to the Islamic welfare of the Community.They put up no adab, for they do not fill in and certify the legalise political accomplishment in the true hierarchical order, and they point by example and teach and incite confusion and error. This is in fact the chief(prenominal) argue why, as demo in the descriptor of westward intellectual history end-to-end the ages and the rise of blasphemous doctrine and science in western sandwichcivilization, the occidental foundin g of knowledge ground upon its experience and consciousness must perpetually lead to secularization. in that respect can be no doubt, therefore, that if the secular Muslim scholars and intellectuals stop themselves, or are allowed to mortify the Muslim youth in knowledge, the delslamization of the Muslim mind exit proceed to take effectuate with greater patience and intensity, and volition follow the same kind of secularizing drift in rising generations. cock-a-hoop verse among them do not fully understand the record of westward culture and civilization then they thrust their excitement and before which they stand opened in venerating bewilderment and fawning humbleness word picture the location of the inferior. They do not even in all dig out the confine and implications of the teachings of their exotic masters, being cognitive content only to parallel them in vulgarized versions and so rat the Muslim hearing of their true worth.